Google Drive File Stream is now Google Drive for Desktop

Google is rebranding Google Drive File Stream as Google Drive for Desktop. The application features the same functionalities that allow you access your Google Drive content directly on your Mac or PC, just with a new name and logo.

If you currently have Google Drive File Stream installed, Google will automatically update the desktop client in the coming days. No action is required from you. Once the application has been updated you will see this notification banner and an updated system tray icon.

Drive File Stream is Google Drive for Desktop

The location on your computer will remain the same and all your files will remain in the same places. Any shortcuts to the application will be renamed to Google Drive.

If you do notice that the Google Drive icon has disappeared or the application stops syncing after the update, rebooting your computer should resolve the issue. Please contact the IT Help Desk if the issue persists.

Please note that Google Drive for Desktop (or File Stream) does not work with Macbook Air or Pro with the M1 processor at this time, but an update in April will bring Apple M1 devices support.

To learn more about Google Drive, please visit the Google Workspace Learning Center.