Security & Usage

Privacy Warning

The eduroam and UNLV-Sponsored network connections encrypt your data as it is sent between your mobile device and wireless access points, protecting your information from being intercepted by others. It is very important to make certain your device always has the latest antivirus software and security patches installed.

Ethical and responsible use is expected at UNLV

The UNLV wireless network is a part of the University of Nevada, Las Vegas information technology (IT) environment. You must be authorized to use this resource. As an authorized user, by your use of this resource, you have implicitly agreed to abide by the highest standards of responsibility to your colleagues -- the students, faculty, staff, and external users who share this environment. You are required to comply with all university policies, state, and federal laws concerning appropriate use of information technology. Non-compliance is considered a serious breach of community standards and may result in disciplinary or legal action.

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